Been searching for halal tablets. This rocks !!
Very good product
Wow , the boost I got from my first dose was amazing, I sprinkled a good teaspoon over my fruit and yoghurt for breakfast and had energy all day . It feels like my body has been looking for something like this . Thanks
Ancestral nutrition products are first class.
I’ve been taking primal iron for about 3 weeks now and it’s made a huge difference to my energy levels and overall wellbeing. I feel better, more alert and have more energy. I was really sceptical but I’ve made no other major changes to my diet or lifestyle apart from introducing primal iron to my supplement intake and the difference is significant.
I also didn’t have any issues with digestion or struggle with constipation which is common with other iron supplements. I’m glad I gave this a chance, and I hope I continue to feel even better over the coming weeks.