The Highest Quality Tasmanian-Sourced Beef Organs

Our Commitment to Quality & Sustainability
At Ancestral Nutrition we believe that the way cattle are raised directly affects the quality. That’s why we choose to source our beef organs from a supplier that can guarantee and certify the raising claims that are important to us, through stringent on-farm programs.
We proudly partner with Greenham, a sixth-generation Australian family-owned business specialising in high-quality, responsibly raised beef. All our products are sourced from Tasmanian farms accredited to Greenham’s grass-fed assurance program, the NEVER EVER Beef Program.
The NEVER EVER Beef Program was established in 2012 in response to growing market demand for traceable, premium grass-fed beef and requires all farms to undergo third-party audit to ensure animals are raised and handled to specification.
Sourcing product from the NEVER EVER Beef Program means all our organs are certified:
- Grass-fed & grass-finished
- Free Range - never confined to feedlots
- 100% antibiotic free
- Free from added Hormones
- Non-GMO Project Verified
- Lifetime traceable
- Certified Humane® Raised & Handled
- Coming Soon: Certified Regenerative

Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming and land management that aims to enhance, maintain, and restore the health of soil, waterways, ecosystems, and biodiversity, while promoting carbon sequestration. In past years, we’ve seen regenerative agriculture move from being more of an elusive concept to a proven solution, and an answer to the future of farming. Our products are sourced from some of Australia’s best cattle producers who have been farming this way for generations.
Greenham is currently working with their NEVER EVER accredited farms to implement an on-farm Greenham Beef Sustainability Standard that farmers can follow to become Certified Regenerative. Backed by science, the on-farm standard delivers real ecological, social, and economic benefits. The program is aligned with the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework’s (ABSF) four themes of animal welfare, environmental stewardship, economic resilience, and people and the community to ensure a comprehensive approach to farm sustainability.
You can read more about the Greenham Beef Sustainability Standard and their Certified Regenerative claims below:
Regenerative Agriculture vs Organic Farming
Organic farming requires products to be grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, or other chemicals. While this can often have positive impacts on soil health and biodiversity, organic farming does not typically measure or verify any such improvements since the primary objective is the absence of chemicals.
Regenerative farming on the other hand is focused on ecological outcomes such as soil health, biodiversity, waterway health, and carbon sequestration, which are achieved through the implementation of management practices and relevant monitoring. It is a holistic approach to promote long term landscape and animal health which does not restrict the use of inputs, where required.
As a high-volume manufacturer in this space, we are regularly offered alternate supplies of beef organs at lower prices with varying certifications (including organic). While this may seem favourable at face value it doesn't align with our long-term goal of a sustainable, regenerative future.
We believe that the best approach to animal health and land management is one that looks at the farm environment as an interconnected biological system and considers how best to achieve optimum health and productivity outcomes for that land today and for future generations.
Working with Greenham, we aim to have our supplements Certified Regenerative very soon and thank all existing and prospective customers for helping to make this transition possible.
If you have any questions regarding our practices please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email here.
To a healthier future,

Matt Blackham
Ancestral Nutrition